
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on elokuu, 2018.

Lauantai 4.8. Saturday

Yesterday we had Confirmation practice where we went through the whole program. And during the evening program we had the finalisation of the mummo - and the water sketch. It was very funny. We woke up with music and the biggies dancing in our rooms. Varying from the usual program, we had no bible study but two lessons instead.

Perjantai 3.8. Friday

We woke up this morning to a joyful sports class type of awakening. We enjoyed breakfast as usual and participated in bible studies. The theme of the day was death but the mood of the day was totally different! The evening programme was the ultimate highlight of the day: the musical production of Mummo Mia! Complete with all ABBA classics, it sure was amazing. The sun was shining and we got to go swimming, the water is still incredibly warm! Finally, to end the day, we voted for our confirmation song: "Swing low". It's beautiful and seems to be everyone's favourite.

Torstai 2.8. Thursday

We started off the peaceful morning with a wake up (with bubbles and music). It was visiting day and the schedule was a little different. Family came and we raised the flag together and ate lunch, reindeer casserole which was absolutely delicious. Shortly after, we all joined together at Ristikiven kirkko for a Service. The campers and biggies introduced themselves and we found out that 16 countries are represented. We joined with our family for coffee and snack, visiting hours concluded and our program continued. We played outdoor games and went kayaking and rowing. In the evening we joined for a camp fire where we cooked burgers and roasted marshmallows. The day ended with a peaceful evening prayer and the camp fell silent as the tired and happy campers fell asleep. Thank you for our families for visiting.

Keskiviikko 1.8. Wednesday

Pepsi n' Fries (Pepita, Luukas, Vilppu, Taavi, Judith, Sofia) Eilen söimme lounaaksi nuudeleita ja kanapullia. Luukaksen ja Vilpun mielestä se oli tähän astisista ruoista paras. Lounaan jälkeen oli nakit. Ryhmämme nakki oli luokkahuoneen siivous. Sofian mielestä se oli nopea ja helppoa, koska leiriläiset olivat pitäneet luokan puhtaana. Vapaa-ajalla leiriläiset pelasivat lentopalloa tai hengasivat muiden kanssa. Välipalan jälkeen oli medis eli meditaatio hetki, jossa monet nukahtivat ajatellen meren rantaa ja yhteyttä Jumalaan. Illalla olimme Ristikiven kirkossa messussa, jossa monet kävivät ehtoollisella ensimmäistä kertaa. Iltaohjelma oli paras pikkuisten mielestä ja mummo-sketsi oli super hauska. Tänään keskiviikkona on vierailupäivä ja ryhmästämme Vilpulle ja Judithille tulee vieraita.