Ensimmäinen leiripäivä
Leirimme alkoi ohjaajien ja isoisten osalta jo sunnuntaina 15.7. leirin suunnittelun merkissä. Maanantai aamuna heräsimme virkeinä ja innoissamme siitä, että pääsisimme pian vastaanottamaan leiriläiset. Aamu kului viimeisten valmistelujen parissa ja yhdentoista jälkeen leiriläset alkoivat perheineen saapua Partaharjulle. Partaharjulle päästyä leiriläiset saivat nauttia lounasta, jonka jälkeen heitä odotti aimo annos infoa leiriin liittyen. Toivottavasti sää suosii leiriämme ja tästä tulee kaikille mukava leiri!
For biggies and teachers the camp started already on Sunday, as we came here one day earlier to plan the camp. Today we woke up feeling super excited, a little nervous and of course HUNGRY. The morning we used to make some last minute preparing before the campers started arriving around eleven. As the campers arrived to Partuharju, they got to enjoy lunch, after which information regarding the camp was provided. Lets hope the weather will stay just as gorgeous as it has been so far today, and lets make this camp one that we'll never forget!
For biggies and teachers the camp started already on Sunday, as we came here one day earlier to plan the camp. Today we woke up feeling super excited, a little nervous and of course HUNGRY. The morning we used to make some last minute preparing before the campers started arriving around eleven. As the campers arrived to Partuharju, they got to enjoy lunch, after which information regarding the camp was provided. Lets hope the weather will stay just as gorgeous as it has been so far today, and lets make this camp one that we'll never forget!
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