Kolmas leiripäivä
Eilen isoset järjestivät leiriolympialaiset. Niissä oli ihan kivaa, vaikkei me varmaankaan voitettu. Olympialajeina oli mm. kävynheitto ämpäriin, labyrintti, ja isostietovisa. Jotkut lajeista eivät olleet vahvuuksiamme, mutta olimme hyviä ainakin labyrinttirastissa.
Yesterday the biggies organized the camp olympics. We had fun doing the different activities, even though we're pretty sure we didn't win. As olympic sports we had, for example, throwing a pinecone to a bucket, labyrinth and biggie quiz. Some of the sports were not on our strong strenght, but we were atleast good at the labyrinth game.
Yesterday the biggies organized the camp olympics. We had fun doing the different activities, even though we're pretty sure we didn't win. As olympic sports we had, for example, throwing a pinecone to a bucket, labyrinth and biggie quiz. Some of the sports were not on our strong strenght, but we were atleast good at the labyrinth game.
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